Thursday, June 4, 2020

Home Visits!

It was so wonderful to see you all this week!  I have so missed my students and enjoyed seeing and hearing what they have been up to over these few months! Thank you for welcoming me into your yards and driveways.  This was definitely a highlight of our remote learning time!

Our last week of school is approaching and I gave your child a checklist for the last week in their bag I dropped off at home (as well as the Memory Book and bingo sheets). I realize I made an error on Thursday's assignments so I will recap the activities for next week here:


  • Work on your Kindergarten Memory Book pages: All About Me, Self Portrait, My School, My Teacher
  • Complete 1-2 squares from the Reading Bingo Sheet

  • Kindergarten Star Show at 10:00am for half of the class!  Check your email for the invite.
  • Kindergarten Memory Book pages: Friends, What I Learned, Favorite Books, Field Trip
  • Complete 1-2 squares from the Math Bingo Sheet

  • Story and Snack Time at 9:30am. Check your email for the invite link.
  • Kindergarten Memory Book pages: Recess, Memories, Summer Plans
  • Complete 1-2 squares from the Reading Bingo sheet

  • Kindergarten Star Show at 10:00 for half of the class.
  • Complete 1-2 squares from the Reading Bingo sheet
  • Complete 1-2 squares from the Math Bingo sheet
  • Optional:  Read the Summer Safety issue of Let's Find Out magazine.  The password is scskindergarten

  • Last Day of School!
  • Story and Snack Time at 9:30am
 You will also be able to access the Last Week of School checklist by clicking on this link on Monday morning.  Have a wonderful weekend!  I am looking forward to connecting with your children next week as we celebrate the end of Kindergarten!

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Happy Summer!

We had a great last week of remote learning!  I so enjoyed watching everyone's talents during our Star Show!  I was so impressed with th...