Friday, May 29, 2020

The last two weeks of school are headed our way....lots of information for you to read! was hot this week!  Hope everyone found some ways to stay cool!  Thank you for helping your child to still attend our online sessions even though it was so hot and sticky!  This was our last week for our small group math and literacy sessions on Google Hangouts.  Next week, I will be doing Home Visits instead of the small group work and the following week (the last week of school!), we will be doing four large group activities to help wrap up the year.

There will still be a checklist posted for the upcoming week with activities for your child to complete so please check that out!  There is still some poetry to write, Scholastic News to read, math to do, and a special writing activity: writing to your child's first grade teacher.  Although we don't know the teacher placements yet, I will be passing these letters along to their first grade teachers when I find out.
Here are some highlights for next week:
June 1st:  Home Visits
June 2nd: Home Visits
June 3rd: Home Visits
June 5th: Story Time and Snack Time

The last week of school there will not be a checklist posted; however, I will be sending an email with some activities for your child to work on and there is note with the activities in the package I will be dropping off during our Home Visits.

Here are a few highlights for the last week of school (you will be receiving Google Hangout invites for these events):
June 9th:  Kindergarten Star Show (see below for information about the Star Show!)
June 10th: Story and Snack time
June 11th: Kindergarten Star Show
June 12th:  Story and Snack time....for the last day of school!

Kindergarten Star Show!!
During the last week of school, we will be having a virtual talent show...called the Star Show! I will be splitting the class into two groups: one will have a Google Hangout Talent Show on Tuesday, June 9th at 10:00am and the other group will have its Google Hangout Talent Show on Thursday, June 11th at 10:00am. You will receive a Google Hangout invite in your email!

Check with your child...does he or she have a talent or something to share with the class? This is optional, but it is definitely more fun if everyone shares something! Here are some ideas of star show “talents” from my past classes:
Tell a joke
Read a poem
Sing a song
Show a picture or a project that the child created
Demonstrate some karate moves
Dribble a basketball
Show a Lego project that the child created
Read a few pages from a book
Demonstrate yoga positions
Hula hoop
Do a dance
Do a magic trick or science experiment

The only requirements are that the talent show act be safe and appropriate for school and that it takes one minute or less! Please make sure that on your child’s day he or she is prepared with materials to demonstrate his or her talent! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a great weekend!

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Happy Summer!

We had a great last week of remote learning!  I so enjoyed watching everyone's talents during our Star Show!  I was so impressed with th...