Friday, May 22, 2020

Happy Friday!

A fun flash-back Friday picture from February!  I miss spending                    time with these faces in our classroom!

Hello Friends!  It's amazing to see that there are only three weeks left of Kindergarten!  A remote learning on Monday due to Memorial Day.  The checklist will be posted for the week on Tuesday morning on the SCS Remote Learning Site.  I hope you and your family can get outside and enjoy this beautiful stretch of weather!

Last week I sent out an email about signing up for a Home Visit the week of June 1st.  I am planning to stop by with small end-of-year gift for your child and some materials to use during our last two weeks of learning.  Please sign up if you have not already. If the times do not work for you, then I will just drop the gift and materials off on your front step some time that week.  Thanks!  Here is the Home Visit Sign Up link.

If you did not have the chance to listen in on this week's live Google Hangout sessions, we continued practicing our reading and reading comprehension skills using a Scholastic Let's Find Out magazine.  This week's magazine was about plants and plant parts.  Can your child name for you four plant parts and the jobs they do?  The children worked very hard using their reading powers to sound out tricky words...way to go!  In math, we started with a shape scavenger hunt.  I asked the children to find a circle or sphere and then a rectangle or rectangular prism.  After finding the object, the children then had to justify how they knew it was certain shape, explaining attributes.  We also played a game called Double Top Draw that focused on counting dots in a double-ten frame efficiently, writing and recognizing teen numbers, and comparing numbers using the greater than and less than sign.

That's all for this week!  I look forward to seeing everyone next week!  Enjoy the sun and warmth!

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