Friday, April 17, 2020

Happy Friday!

We made it through our first real week of remote learning! Thank you all very much for helping your child to navigate this new world of Google Hangouts, videos, and assignments.  I realize the amount of work this takes to help facilitate the learning going on in your home and I am very grateful for your support, time, and efforts.  So...thank you again!  It was wonderful to meet with the children in small groups this week!  It really gives me a chance to get to work with them and gives them the opportunity to connect with each other.  We are off to a great start!  That being said, please note that next week is our Spring Vacation.  There will not be a new checklist of work on the Remote Learning Site and I will not be holding small groups next week.  However, I will be hosting my Story Time and Snack Time at 9:30am on April 24th, per the usual schedule.

For those families not listening in on our small group work this week, I will share what we covered.  In literacy, we did a review of letters and sounds and sight words.  We also practiced tapping out short words and writing down the sounds we heard.  I tried my best to remind the children that we are practicing writing words with lowercase letters and that when we write sentences, the first letter is capitalized and there is punctuation at the end.  In math, we did some quick ten-frame number review (counting the dots in the ten frame efficiently) and flashing fingers to show numbers.  We also worked on problem solving, showing thinking with numbers, pictures, and equations! A couple of thoughts regarding our small groups:  Please make sure your child has a paper and something to write with during each session and it is helpful if any toys or stuffies stay off to the side just to avoid any distractions!  Thank you!

I hope that you and your child have time next week to do some fun activities together (that don't necessarily require a computer screen!) and can get outside and enjoy the "vacation", but if you are looking for ideas in order to keep a routine, please visit the Additional Activities section on our Remote Learning Page.  There are some science exploration activities there.  Your child can also access Lexia online at anytime, can read books, or even work on their math practice book pages.

Lastly, please check out our blog as there are a couple of new posts this week.  One post has some stories read on video by one of our 4th grade book buddies.  Have a wonderful week!  I look forward to seeing anyone who wants to join me for Story and Snack on April 24th!  As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

I Want to Be...

Thanks to those friends who shared their writing with me!  There were so many great ideas!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Special Guest Reader!

Hi Everyone!  I have a treat for you!  Every Friday this year, our class has visited Ms. Deb's 4th grade class for Book Buddies.  To keep our book buddies going in a different way, one of Ms. Deb's students has recorded two stories for you!  Enjoy!

Annie and the Wild Animals

Paul and Bernadette

Friday, April 10, 2020

Happy Friday!

Hello!  Happy Friday!  I hope everyone is doing well!  I have enjoyed reading to the children this week.  It is nice to see their faces and to watch them interact with each other!

Monday begins our "new phase" of learning.  In this new phase, we have been asked to continue to provide opportunities for the children to interact with each other and with me; however, we will also be starting new learning as well.  On Monday morning, a checklist of activities will be posted on our Kindergarten Remote Learning Site.  When you arrive at the site, please click on my name and Monday-Friday checklist of literacy and math activities will be posted.  Depending on the activity each day, your child (with your help!) may need to access a device, join a google hangouts, read independently, write, or work from the Home Connections math packet.

When you see the checklist on Monday, you will notice that on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays I will be meeting with small groups of children to facilitate math and literacy instruction via Google Hangout.  I have included a table below with the day and time your child's group will be meeting.  Please note that your child will be meeting with me twice a week...once for literacy and once for math.  Please have your child bring a pencil and paper or the dry erase marker and plastic sleeve (from the first packet we sent home) to these sessions as we will use them for our work together.  These groupings will run for three week and then I will change up the groups so the children get to interact and connect with a variety of classmates.  For your scheduling ease, I will send out Google Hangout invites for your child's time with the meeting link.  You will have the invite by Monday morning.

I realize that in this remote learning process, you have received many emails, directives, suggestions, and information regarding your child's learning.  It is also not lost on me that we are in the middle of a pandemic, a crazy and uncertain time.  With that in mind, please know that I only want you and your child to do what you can comfortably do each week.  As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns....or if you just want to say hi!

Ms. Pinillos Group Work Schedule via Google Hangout
Reading/ Fundations Group Work
Math Group Work

Nora P.
Nora P.

Songs From Ms. Hilary

Hi Friends!  Ms. Hilary asked me to share some songs with you!  Click on the links below to listen!

My Aunt Came Back
In the Woods
The Sun is in My Heart

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Guest Reader!

It was so wonderful to see so many of the children this week through Google Meet. Everyone looked great and it sounds like some wonderful activities and fun are happening at home!  I will be emailing everyone with times for next week's meet over the weekend.  Please always feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you have.  Also, be sure to check out the SCS Remote Learning Site for more ideas of activities to do with your child.

 In this week's blog, please take moment to check out the Potato Pants drawings our friends in Kindergarten from last week (just scroll down a bit to last week's post); check out two songs from Ms. Hilary, and a message from Ms. Carol Ann below!
Message from Ms. Carol Ann

Also this week, you have a guest reader...Ms. Hilary!
She will be reading you one of our Red Clover Books called Girl Running.  After you listen to this story, we encourage you to get outside and get moving.  Feel free to ask your families to take a picture of you moving and exercising outside and I will share it on our blog!  Have fun!

Click on the link to hear the story!

Have a wonderful weekend!  I miss you all and look forward to seeing you on the computer next week!

Happy Summer!

We had a great last week of remote learning!  I so enjoyed watching everyone's talents during our Star Show!  I was so impressed with th...