Thursday, April 2, 2020

Guest Reader!

It was so wonderful to see so many of the children this week through Google Meet. Everyone looked great and it sounds like some wonderful activities and fun are happening at home!  I will be emailing everyone with times for next week's meet over the weekend.  Please always feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you have.  Also, be sure to check out the SCS Remote Learning Site for more ideas of activities to do with your child.

 In this week's blog, please take moment to check out the Potato Pants drawings our friends in Kindergarten from last week (just scroll down a bit to last week's post); check out two songs from Ms. Hilary, and a message from Ms. Carol Ann below!
Message from Ms. Carol Ann

Also this week, you have a guest reader...Ms. Hilary!
She will be reading you one of our Red Clover Books called Girl Running.  After you listen to this story, we encourage you to get outside and get moving.  Feel free to ask your families to take a picture of you moving and exercising outside and I will share it on our blog!  Have fun!

Click on the link to hear the story!

Have a wonderful weekend!  I miss you all and look forward to seeing you on the computer next week!

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