Friday, January 3, 2020

Happy New Year!

Welcome back!  It was great to see the children these past two days!  They were sure happy to see each other too!  We eased back into school by reviewing the classroom and school expectations and re-establishing routines: participating in morning meeting, writing in our writer's notebooks, and reading from our book boxes.

We welcomed in the new year in Kindergarten by reading Squirrel's New Year Resolution.  We talked about what the word resolution means and then the children brainstormed a resolution for themselves for the year.  Our resolutions focused on getting better at something for ourselves or helping others.  We have Kindergartners who want to become better readers, to become better at football and soccer, to help their siblings, and to help their friends to be happy!  Be sure to ask your child about his or her resolution.  We also did a self-portrait project to go along with our resolutions.  The children made themselves...wearing new year's party hats! They are hanging in the hallway and look adorable!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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