Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back!  It was great to see all the children back to school this week!  They were certainly excited to see one another!

As we continue to plow through winter, please make sure to send your child with boots, snow pants, jacket, mittens/gloves, and a hat each day. The children go outside every day, unless the temperature is below zero. Thank you!

We welcomed in the new year in Kindergarten by reading Squirrel's New Year Resolution.  We talked about what the word resolution means and then the children brainstormed a resolution for themselves for the year.  Our resolutions focused on getting better at something for ourselves or helping others.  We have Kindergartners who want to become better readers, to become better at basketball and soccer, to help the Earth, and to help their friends to be happy!  Be sure to ask your child about his or her resolution.  We also did a self-portrait project to go along with our resolutions.  The children made themselves, wearing new year's party hats!  They are hanging in our classroom and look very cute!  Here are a few pictures...

In math, we are focusing on numbers 1-20, with an emphasis on the teen numbers.  We have been playing games and activities to work on recognizing teen numbers and to put them in order.  We also learned two new games: The Forest Game and Beat You to 20.  In The Forest Game we are working on adding and subtracting 1, 2, and 3 and understanding what those terms mean.  In Beat You to 20, we are working on adding and identifying numbers in the teens.

We are wrapping up our lowercase letter sound and identification aspect of Fundations with the letters Z and Q.  Next week, we will begin working on tapping out, reading and spelling short C-V-C words (consonant-vowel-consonant): map, hat, dog, etc.

Have a great weekend!

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