Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Holidays!

We have reached the 73rd day of school...can you believe it?!?!  The time feels like it has flown by!  I am continually impressed and amazed by all that your children have learned so far this year and all they can do.  It has been exciting to watch their academic and social growth since the start of the year.

Here are a few highlights from our last week of 2018:

We had a fun holiday project and snack on Tuesday!  Each child created a gift for his or her family.  They are very proud of their work!  Thanks to Erica, Victoria, and Karen for providing the snacks for our holiday snack!  Be on the lookout for your child's gift in his or her Friday Folder!

We continued to read more Gingerbread stories this week!  We even read about how to make gingerbread cookies in our Scholastic News.  Then the children illustrated and wrote their own version of the Gingerbread Man.  Who did your child have chasing the Gingerbread Man?

This week wrapped up our holiday tradition shares.  Now that the children have heard everyone's tradition and created illustrated pages, they are each bringing home a Holiday Tradition book to share with you at home.  I hope you are able to take the time to read through all the fun traditions from our class and admire your child's illustrations!

We learned one more Reading Power in Reader's Workshop this week: Persistence Power.  This means as readers, when we meet a word we do not know, we use all our powers to try to figure out the word.  We do not just give up!  We practiced this power by reading poems from our Winter Poetry Notebook. Everyone was really working on his or her persistence power! We even went to Ms. Deb's third grade class to show them our reading powers!

During Writer's Workshop, we continued working on our booklets and telling stories over pages.  The children were given writing folders to keep their writing in and were given an alphabet chart as a resource to use when spelling words.  Our Kindergarten writers continue to work hard!

In math,  we continued to work on putting numbers in order and working on the number line. The children learned two new Work Places: Scrambled Numbers and Foxes in the Den.  In Foxes in the Den, the children practiced addition and used the new strategy of counting on from the higher number.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a happy and healthy 2019!  School resumes on Wednesday, January 2nd. 

That's all for now...see you in 2019!

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