Friday, May 15, 2020

Red Clover Vote!

Happy Friday!  I was all excited to tell you the results of our class vote for the Red Clover Vote for the year, but only 8 children completed the Red Clover writing activity.  So I can share the following, but we don't really have enough votes to declare a winner in our class:
Misunderstood Shark- 1 vote
Girl Running-1 vote
Hawk Rising- 2 votes
Potato Pants-2 votes
                                                      Counting on Katherine-2 votes
Thanks to those friends who wrote about their favorite Red Clover book and shared it with me!

This week in our online lessons we practice our reading skills using a mini-book on the Scholastic Let's Find Out site.  This week's book was about Earth Day and taking care of the Earth.  I was very proud of our Kindergarten Readers. They were using so many of their Reading Super Powers!  If you are reading at home with your child and he or she gets stuck on a word, remind them of their reading powers:

  • Use picture power....look at the picture to help figure out the word
  • Use sound power...use the sounds at the beginning and end of the word to help figure out the word
  • Use re-read power....start the sentence again and try the word using other powers as well
  • Use sight word the words you know first and then go back
  • Use pointer power....point to the words to stay on track
In math, we did more problem solving.  The problems this week were asking children to do repeated addition.  For example, we had 6 frogs.  How many eyeballs in all?  Many children drew a picture and then counted by ones and twos.  Others wrote an equation such as,  2+2+2+2+2+2=6.

I've have noticed that many friends in our class have tried out Lexia and Raz-Kids.  If your child has not tried these programs out yet, please feel free to reach out if you have questions on how to log in.  Also, please reach out if your child mentions that the books on Raz-Kids are feeling too easy.  I am able to easily change the books to a different level, if needed.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Enjoy the warmer temperatures!

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