Friday, February 21, 2020

Sea Creatures!

Thank you for coming to our open house!  The children were so proud to share all of their hard work!  I look forward to celebrating more of their accomplishments when we meet for Parent Conferences in March.  If you have not signed up for a conference yet, please visit this link: Parent Conference Sign Up

In math, we have been working on problem solving.  Each day we have read several story problems about sea creatures and have used pictures, numbers, and equations to show our thinking.  We took it a step further and each child created their own sea creature story problem!  The children are doing a great job of solving these problems and explaining their thinking!  We also rounded out our geometry unit by making a paper quilt called the Shoo-Fly Quilt.  We used red and purple triangles to make our quilt squares and then made mathematical observations about the quilt!  We noticed an AB pattern in the colors; that the colors are the same when you look diagonally; that four triangles make a diamond; and that our quilt shape is a square made up of a lot of squares!.

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Puppets in Education.  Puppets in Education, a program of Vermont Family Network, teaches children to keep themselves safe and healthy and appreciate each other's differences, by using life-sized puppets in an interactive show.  This year, Kindergartners learned about anxiety.  Through the help of the puppets, the children learned to identify worries and the tools they can use to deal with worries.  The puppet show finished with a song; see if your child can sing you the chorus!

Lastly, we ended the week with a little celebration for all of our hard work on our sea creature study and for filling our Cat Coin Jar!  We watched a bit of Finding Nemo while enjoying some goldfish!  A nice way to end a busy month of February!  Enjoy the vacation...see you in March!

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