Friday, September 20, 2019

Fire Safety!

 This week we had a visit from the Shelburne Fire Department as a part of our Fire Prevention Day at SCS.  The Kindergarten Team met with two firefighters who explained what to do if there is ever a fire in the house. They reviewed the importance of families having a meeting place outside the house and identifying the difference between toys at home and tools that could cause a fire to start. The children then had the opportunity to crawl through the smoke house, staying low to the ground, and then had the chance to practice how to stop, drop, and roll.  be srue to ask your child about these special visitors.  What did your child learn about fire safety? We also had our first Evacuation Drill (fire drill). The children did a great job of exiting the building safely, quietly, and quickly! 

During Reader's Workshop, we worked on a combined literacy and art project.  This one was based on A My Name is Alice by Jane Bayer.  The children had to brainstorm something they like...or could like, that started with the same letter/letter sound as their first names.  That was tricky!  They then practiced writing their names and created a self-portrait out of construction paper.  Their art work is amazing!  We also took this opportunity to review/learn how to use scissors safely in our classroom.  This work is going up on our bulletin board outside our room. You get to see it during our Open House on October 3rd!

We continued with our Totally Terrific Child shares this week during Writer's Workshop.  The children are doing a great job of sharing information about themselves and those in the audience are really working on asking our Totally Terrific Child questions.  We have had a lot of discussions about the difference between a comment and a question....asking a question, instead of just sharing a comment is hard work for Kindergartners!  We will be wrapping up our Totally Terrific Child shares next week.

In math, we have continued our work with the five frames and finding combinations that add up to five.  We also were introduced to ten frames; shared strategies for counting dots on a ten frame; and practiced finger patterns for the numbers 6-10.  We also played a game called Spill Five Beans.  It not only helped us with 1:1 counting and combinations of five, but is also helped us to practice numeral formation.  Ask your child to explain this game to you!  This week we also practiced making the numbers four and five!  Can your child write the numbers 1-5 for you?

Be sure to ask your child about...
  • Bean Bag Toss and Old Shoes, New Shoes greetings at Morning Meeting
  • Learning how to stop, drop, and roll during Fire Safety
  • Singing and dancing to Cat Party on Go Noodle
  • Who shared for Totally Terrific Child this week and if they made any connections
One last on the lookout for an email from me regarding Parent Conference sign ups.  Also, Library books are due back every Wednesday.  If your child forgets to bring his or her books that day, no worries!  Your child can go the next day and make a quick book exchange!
Have a great summer-like weekend!

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