During Reader's Workshop, we began Guided Reading Groups. This is my chance to work in small groups with your child on building reading strategies, learning sight words, and building reading fluency. When your child is not in a reading group, he or she is rotating between independent reading from book boxes, a sight word game, or using Starfall.com on the ipads (this is a letter/sound recognition app). Be sure to ask your child about Reader's Workshop this week!
We are working very hard on our sea creature reports and we cannot wait to share them with you at our Sea Creature Open House! Last week, we finished our penguin reports and have now moved on to writing a nonfiction piece of writing about our sea creatures. Each day the children are writing and illustrating another page for their reports, teaching about the sea creature. This week they added pages about where the sea creature lives and what type of sea creature they have. Everyone is working very hard to use best guess spelling and to have spaces between their words!
In Math, we continue to work with shapes and their attributes. This week we learned a new game called Hungry Caterpillars. In this game, the children have to fill up all three sections of the caterpillar with pattern blocks. During the game, we are practicing naming shapes: triangle, rhombus, and trapezoid. We also played a fun game working with shape attributes. I hid a shape card in my pocket and the children had to ask questions about its attributes in order to narrow down which shape I had. They did a great job asking about the number of sides, the size, and the number of corners to figure it out!
Lastly, I will be holding Parent Conferences in March. Please sign up for a time using the link below or if you have trouble with the link, let me know and I can help!
Parent Conferences
Have a wonderful weekend!
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