Thursday, October 18, 2018

Short Week!

This four-day week went by so quickly!  Please note that there is no school tomorrow, October 19th!
Although it was a short week, lots of learning still occurred for these fabulous Kindergartners!

In Writer's Workshop, we are still telling our stories through drawings.  We continue to focus on adding lots of detail to our stories to better help the reader.  This week our lessons were about adding clothes to the people in your stories and drawing people in action, to make them look as though they are moving in the story.  Ask your child about his or her stories from the week!

During theme, we read a book called Where Do I Live?. This book took us from the small community of our family and house to the larger communities we belong to such as, town, state, United States, continent and  Earth.  Next week we are going to turn our attention to maps and make maps of parts of our communities.

In Reader's Workshop, we learned the new sight word "you".  We are finding that word a lot in our morning message and in books in our book boxes.  The word "you" was found a lot in our newest edition of the Scholastic News magazine. This week we read about an important community helper: a firefighter.  We learned about firefighters' gear and how they prepare to do their job.  The children are keeping these in their book boxes to practice the strategy of re-reading.  When readers re-read it helps them to think more about what they are learning and allows them to make connections to the learning!

In math, we were introduced to a new tool that we will use to think flexibly with numbers called the number rack.  We explored numbers between 0 and 10 by showing quantities with the beads on the number rack and by building combinations of five beads, using both the red and white beads. We even wrote a few addition statements that equal five after looking some  combinations of white and red beads on the number rack!

This week in Second Step, our social skills lessons with Ms. O, we learned about being assertive.  In this case, assertiveness related to asking for help when you are confused and do not know what to do.  We role played some scenarios that could occur in the classroom and the children practiced asking friends and me for help in certain situations.

I want to let you know that I will be out of school next Friday, October 26th and Monday, October 29th.  I will be getting married that weekend and am taking off those two days to be with family. 

Have a great weekend!

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