Friday, August 31, 2018

First Week!

We had a wonderful first couple of days of Kindergarten!  We spent much of these two days meeting many new faces in the school and learning the routines.  The children did a wonderful job and were such enthusiastic learners!

We began by taking a tour of the classroom and learning about the different spaces in our room.  A favorite part is the kitchen/play area.  Many friends also liked the window seats in the classroom library!  We also created expectations for using some of the materials in the classroom, such as pencils, pencil sharpeners, markers, crayons and colored pencils.  We then used some of these materials to create our first day of school self portraits.  They look great!  We also read Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten and talked about all of the ways we got ready for Kindergarten....buying a new backpack, packing a snack, getting dressed, or eating breakfast.  We then made a class book to put in our library!

Be sure to ask your child about...

  • P.E. with Mrs. Nelson and Music with Ms. Rivers
  • Playing on the new Kindergarten playground
  • Our first fire drill
  • Our Morning Meeting songs:  Alligator Chomp, A Cheech a Cha, and Shake Your Hands
  • Choice play, drawing, building with legos and blocks, and a puppet theater
Have a wonderful long weekend!  See you on Tuesday!

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