We had a wonderful last week of Kindergarten! On Tuesday, we started the day with a Summer Reading assembly to get us excited about all the reading we can do over the vacation! Then we had a few guest readers in our class and had our Lights Out Read Party! The children had so much fun building their little cozy reading nooks and then spent about an hour of our day reading independently! It was very cute and amazing to see how far they have come with their reading! We also read our Scholastic News about summer and using our five senses to identify that summer is here. We then used that "summer sense knowledge" to write summer poems in small groups. This was a nice way to finish our Writer's Workshop this year.
We ended the week with Step Up Day. Each child had a chance to meet their teacher for next year and some new classmates. Everyone seemed very excited! Your child's last Friday Folder, that came home yesterday, was very full. I hope you will take some time to look through it. There is a lot of work from the year, your child's progress report, and a small gift for your child from me.
This has been an absolute amazing year! As many of you know, this was my first year back in Kindergarten after teaching first, second, and third grades, for the past eight years. Although, I love every grade I teach, I have been reminded this year that there really is something special about Kindergarten and Kindergartners! I am so thankful to have laughed, danced, read, smiled, and learned with your children. What a wonderful class! Wishing you a summer with lots of beautiful summer afternoons!