We were certainly a little disappointed that our field trip to Shelburne Farms was cancelled on Wednesday, but we are happy to share that it has been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 24th. If you are interested in chaperoning, please let me know. You will need to be fingerprinted in order to chaperone. Also, just a reminder that we have our Kindergarten Open House on Thursday, October 4th. This is a chance for your Kindergartner to show you around the classroom and share some work from the start of the year. We hope you can make it!
This week we had a visit from the Shelburne Fire Department as a part of our Fire Safety Day at SCS. The Kindergarten Team met with two firefighters who explained what to do if there is ever a fire in the house. They reviewed the importance of families having a meeting place outside the house and identifying the difference between toys at home and tools that could cause a fire to start. The children then had the opportunity to crawl through the smoke house, practicing staying low to the ground, and then the chance to practice how to stop, drop, and roll. Be sure to ask your child about these special visitors. What did your child learn about fire safety?
Now that we know how our classroom library works and we have chosen books, we are working on identifying ourselves as readers! We learned this week that we are readers who can look at words, think about the words, read the words, and learn from them. We took a walk through our hallway looking for words. We looked at the words and what they were labeling and used a best guess to read them. We saw that we could actually read more words than we thought we could! Way to go Kindergarten readers! Can your child read you any labels and signs around your house or around town? We also became acquainted with non-fiction books, or learn about the world books, and found we could learn so much from the books just by looking at the pictures!
We will be finishing with our last Totally Terrific Child on Monday. It has been so fun learning about all of our classmates and finding similarities and differences in our interests! We have a lot of friends who love to spend time at the beach and a lot of friends who loves dogs! Next week, we will begin Writer's Workshop. The focus of Writer's Workshop for awhile will be drawing detailed pictures to tell a story and oral storytelling. Then we will move on to using letters and words to tell the story on paper. I cannot wait to see these Kindergarten writers in action!
I want you all to know it is such a pleasure to teach your children this year. After being away from Kindergarten for several years (teaching first, second, and third grade), I am reminded every day why I love teaching this grade level! I love the joy they have for the little things in life and their eagerness for learning every day. The funny stories, hugs, and beautiful drawings I receive are just a bonus!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!